Kathleen Solomon
My name is Kathleen Solomon and I am a mother of two adult men. My story is not of overcoming illness or coming back from a life gone out of control. My story is just of the normal evolution and change of a human being. Growing up having kids; kids grow up and you're left with time and questions of your direction life will take you. Making adjustments that can leave you missing and mourning the past or getting up and making a future. I have always been in shape to a degree. Working out at the gym 3 to 4 times a week. One day my son asks me, "you’re always working out, but what do you really challenge yourself to?" It made me think, he was right. All this great health and just doing my regular routine. So I joined a trail running group and my life changed. There is nothing greater to start your day than running in the wilderness and being glad to be alive. There were people in the group who did triathlons, so my journey begins! One year later, I did my first 70.3 Ironman in beautiful Windsor CA, Napa. Swimming in the Russian River was one of the highlights. I'm 55 and on to the Full in AZ! Just start, get up, and create a life you, your kids, and friends will be in awe of. Share the positive energy that comes with the HIGH of nature and you being at one with what you were created for, run with IT :)