Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D.
Dr. Brene Brown once wrote:
“A good life happens when you stop and are grateful for the ordinary moments that so many of us just steamroll over to try to find those extraordinary moments.”
What does this quotation have to do with my life and WCBB? Well this quote helps answer the question, “Why do I almost exclusively wear WCBB? apparel when working out?” The answer to this question involves WCBB?’s mission. The company’s mission is to “empower people to be better versions of themselves by promoting outdoor, active, and healthy lifestyles.” In short, I’m a better version of myself when I focus on making sure I exercise almost every day and watch my diet closely.
To me, a WCBB? experience parallels Dr. Brown’s philosophy in the opening quote. Specifically, a WCBB? experience is not the extraordinary “Super Bowl” moments that many people live for….the weddings, the big promotion, the iron man triathlon, the New York City Marathon, Boston Marathon, etc. While I have done many of these, I find my true WCBB? moments are the everyday, ordinary moments when I’m logging miles on the treadmill or running on the Phoenix, Arizona canals. These are the moments each day that I can take a deep breath and be thankful for the ability to exercise, and find quiet time for myself.
A true WCBB? moment is not the accomplishment of a goal or focus on some future goal or even experiencing a major life event. Rather it is when I’m able to focus on the here and now. A life full of days and days of these “little”, ordinary WCBB? moments is really what makes a WCBB? life. Wearing What Could Be Better? apparel while I run, just reminds me to relish each workout regardless if I feel great or sluggish, regardless if it is 115 degrees outside, regardless of other stressors in my life. Wearing WCBB? clothing helps me realize the ordinary in my life is really extraordinary.